The Whittle Wagon (218 Sq Ft), Le Tuan Home Design

Currently available for sale in Fort Worth, Texas, is this eclectic 218 sq ft tiny home!

Dubbed The Whittle Wagon, the home is built onto a 30' gooseneck trailer and can comfortably sleep up to four people. The home's master bedroom can fit a California king but is sold with a queen foam memory mattress. Right under the master bedroom is a closet that's perfect for storing away clothes and personal items. There's also a sectional included with doubles as a storage unit and has a queen-sized pull-out bed.

The Whittle Wagon's kitchen comes equipped with a fridge, ample counter space, and a folding table for dining. In the bathroom is a large shower with an RV flush toilet and sink. Upstairs, on the home's roof, is a patio space with external outlets.
