Most Cutest Tiny House Avonlea with Large Sheltered Porch by Baluchon

Most Cutest Tiny House Avonlea with Large Sheltered Porch by Baluchon
Price: Start $40k
The entrance to the tiny house Avonlea is accessed via a large sheltered porch, equipped with two outdoor benches and LED spotlights with presence detectors to illuminate the door when approaching. Its facade is dressed with many windows, including a bull's eye that overlooks the porch.

Inside, natural light takes over all the space. The solid oak flooring offers a warm and rustic atmosphere. A table on the right is a mirror with the oak staircase. This one offers a comfortable access to the room. The 2.5m long kitchen contains plenty of storage space, as well as raw clay bins that will keep wines or other beverages cool. The bathroom has a shower of 80x80 cm, as well as dry toilets with chip compartment and stainless bucket. Libraries decorate the salon, to offer the owner of this house, bookseller by trade, the ability to store hundreds of books.

The Avonlea has been delivered to Clisson. This little house is Frédérique's main residence and her two bitches Jenny and Flanelle.

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